1300+ Number of Clients Assisted since 2017
Financial Assistance, VA Benefits, DD214 Requests, VA Healthcare, Housing/ Homelessness, General Misc. Issues
The Center is a re-boot of a former US Army Reserve program called Army Strong Community Center, which opened in Bristol in March 2012. Bristol was one of six locations to provide support and assistance to Reservists and their families. In June 2016 the ASCC program was closed across the country. However, the staff in Bristol couldn't just walk away and with the sponsorship of Bristol Veterans Council, Inc., the Veterans Strong Community Center opened officially on July 1, 2016. The Center was incorporated in October 2017, and received its IRS non-profit determination letter in January 2018. Its Board of Directors consists of local business people, military families, and Veterans.
The Center has been enhanced - providing additional services like Notary Public services and a computer and printer for Veterans and Service Members to use. With over 7,500 veterans in the greater Bristol area, the Center provides outreach and assistance to the communities of Bristol, Plainville, Plymouth, Harwinton, Burlington, Wolcott and Thomaston.
Veterans Strong Community Center, Inc. (the "Center") - a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation - is a
regional information and resource center. The Center is committed to improving services, assistance
and communication to Veterans, Service Members and their Families throughout the Greater Bristol
area. This includes but is not limited to analyzing inquiries for assistance through the use of personal
knowledge and reference materials; providing responses and taking appropriate action to resolves issues; monitoring inquires for specific function areas, tracking progress and resolution of issues; providing “warm” referral to service providers based on issues presented.
The Veterans Assistance Specialist ("VAS") has over 350 resources in the areas of Emergency Support; Basic Needs; Healthcare/Dental; Life Management; Financial Information; Family & Youth Information; Employment; Education; Legal; Military & Government Officials; General Community Information. The VAS acts as a liaison with various support agencies, state and local governments; and organizations, including but not limited to American Legion, CT Department of Veterans Affairs, VA CT Healthcare, and the American Red Cross. Service Providers available through the Center on a regularly scheduled basis include: Soldiers’, Sailors’ and Marines’ Fund Volunteer Representatives; Vet Center Readjustment Counselor; State of Connecticut, Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Service officer; and, Veterans Assembled Electronics.
Like “Veterans Strong Community Center” on Facebook for more information, updates on specific programs
and services, upcoming events, and hours of operation.

My Why?
There are two very important men in my life that are my reasons why - my father and my brother. My father is a USAF Vietnam Veteran. He served in country, but I never really knew the extent of his service and the toll it took on him until my brother - a National Guard Army OIF Veteran (Retired) - came home himself. Growing up I would imagine what my dad looked like in the handsome blue uniform buried in the back of my parents' closet. It wasn't something he wanted to talk about and still shies away from having any light shining on him or his service (so he should love this!). I am so very grateful to have both of them still in my life. I do what I do in honor of them. I think about how I would want them treated and the services I would want them to be able to find if/when they need them. They are the reason why I answered an email over 8 years ago. They are the reason I choose to keep the center going as an independent non-profit when USAR decided to close the program. They are the reason (along with the numerous other Veterans I have come into contact with and gotten to know over the years) that I continue day after day. They had their calling to service and this is mine.